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#188 Manufacturer Ranking
386 products

About LP

Company Headquarters United States
Available from us since 1993
Items in stock 339
Ø Availability 82.63% (1 Year)

The business Latin Percussion was founded in 1964 by Martin Cohen. The headquarter of the business is in Garfield, New Jersey (USA). The official German representative is business Fender Musical Instruments in Düsseldorf (D).

The brand LP is a subdivision of the Fender Musical Instruments Corporation parent group which owns as well brands like Squier by Fender, Jackson Guitars, Gretsch, Takamine, Charvel, Hamer, Tacoma, SWR Sound Corporation and of course Fender.

Currently we have 387 Latin Percussion products 350 of them directly available in our Treppendorf warehouse (and of course they can be tested as well in our shop) . We've been selling LP products since 1993, so for over 31 year(s).
The popularity of LP is obvious. Every hundredth Thomann customer has bought at least one LP product at Thomann.

We put effort also into providing detailed information for our customers about Latin Percussion products. Only for Latin Percussion products you will currently find the following 2969 product pictures, 134 different 360 panoramic views, 218 sound samples, 7905 customers' reviews and 45 test reports from magazines (in various languages).

Among our top sellers there are 143 LP products at the moment e.g. in the following product categories Single Congas, Cowbells, Blocks, Bongos, Timbales, Ibo Drums and Chimes.

Our current first choice is the following product LP 441 SoftShake Shaker PVC. The absolute hit amongst LP products is the following item LP 592A-X Mic Claw with Z-Rod. More than 10.000 pieces have been bought from us already.

LP products belong to the most visited ones on our website. Within the last month more than 750.000 product pages of the manufacturer have been hit in our Online Store.

Among the famous musicians who use LP equipment are the following Walfredo Reyes Jr., James Campbell, Diane Downs, Eddie Montalvo, John Santos, Jason McGerr, Kim Thompson, Candido Camero, Bobby Sanabria and Kurt Rasmussen.

We also offer our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for LP products, a 3-year warranty, and many additional services such as qualified product specialists, an on-site service department and much more.

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